Are you looking for some dark love poems? These are the best dark love poems you’ll find anywhere.
Love has a dark side, and we think that poetry is an excellent way to explore this. We think there’s room in this world for shadowy sonnets of amour, black ballads of passion, and even gloomy romantic rhymes. Each of our poems pick up the theme of dark love in a unique manner, sometimes as a sweet surrender and at other times as a frightening compulsion. You’ll find plenty of rhymes, and even more shivers, in this collection of dark love poems. Start reading now!

His Dark Love Poem
The first poem in our collection of dark love poems is about how easy it is to want to surrender entirely to love—such that we give up virtually everything in that utter need to give into another.
by Jules Angold
It’s the tickle of the tongue;
It’s a long deep sigh;
It’s everything sliding into place
Because we’ve been lured beyond the gate.
Whimpering sounds of protest
Can’t ever be heard over the sound
Of the cicada’s cry,
Because life is so short
We’ve but a single mission
To mate and then to die.
There’s hazy languor in your eyes
As our bodies fade into fusion;
We’re entering into that secret place
Where grammar, syntax, and arithmetic
Have no meaning;
It’s an indolent dogmatism;
It’s the act of conception.
The tantalizing brush of your lips
Destroys the remnants of my army;
I’m a trillion cell massive apparatus—
But you’ve reduced me to a spook,
A demon that wants only you.
To move sensuously over your flesh
Is to lose even the ghost
Of an idea I once had of something gone;
I’m dying in your arms;
And it’s a sweet, sweet death.

Her Dark Love Poem
No collection of dark love poems would be complete without at least one poem dealing with vampires! So here is a dark love poem about a vampire’s kiss.
by Claire Voyant
Every night it’s the same dark dream;
And it always ends with a scream;
You’re following me;
You’re haunting me;
You know I’m not what I seem.
It’s a black hot drenching heat;
Late at night on an empty street;
You’re chasing me;
You’re right behind me;
And you smell so eternally sweet.
You don’t come from the human swarm;
You’re of a distinctly different darkened form;
You’re touching me;
You’re tongue is breaking me;
You’re smoothly warm.
Life is complex and monstrous;
Pleasure at times is cancerous;
Your hand slides up;
And you find my cup;
Life should be always so wondrous.
Your nails dig deep into my skin,
Even as my head begins to spin;
You’re a burning flame;
But I’ll not cast any blame;
For you’ve given me an evil grin.
We’re on the brink of a cool spring;
It’s time to make you my all new king;
Your tongue finds mine;
And I can taste your bloody wine;
Please make my body sing.
I give in to a long deep sigh;
Tell me we’ll never say good-bye;
Now comes the bite,
and I won’t fight;
Even if it’s time to die.

A Dark Love Poem of Obsession
Obsession is definitely a topic that can be included in any collection of dark love poems. This dark love poem explores the mythology of the harpy—and the obsession of love that men feel for her.
by Hans Zoffer
There’s a little tug on my shoulder;
I see her over there on that boulder,
Singing a song that makes me smolder,
And yet why do I feel so much colder?
She’s sinewy, supple, and supine;
She blushes in the color of wine;
I know at once she’s got to be mine;
And that there isn’t any time.
Raise the sails and turn the bow;
I’ve got some wild oats to sow;
Oh, but how time moves so slow;
My blood, it boils heavy and low.
She beckons me onto the rock;
I don’t care if the ship can’t dock;
To the crew it’s such a shock;
But she’s got me by the cock.
Even as the ship begins to sink;
And we’re all on the very brink;
I’ve time to give her a little wink;
She’s so beautiful in the pink.
Behind me the ship’s been downed;
My friends, they’ve all drowned;
But I just follow the sweet sound;
I know precisely where I’m bound.
I’m on the rock beside her now;
Oh, God, please just tell me how;
She lays her hand on my brow;
It’s time for me to break a vow.
She leans in with the tip of her tongue;
And then her final trap is sprung;
With razor sharp teeth I’ve been stung;
My blood drained, back into the sea I’m flung.

A Poem of Love, Dark and True
Oh, but true love can be dark, as well, as this poem demonstrates. We felt that at least one of our dark love poems should deal with true love, even if it is a bit twisted.
by Lana Lynn
That devil is there now,
Been there half an hour—
Watching me through the window;
He never leaves;
He’s waiting till I exit the door
And at that moment he will get me;
To the nearest tree we’ll go
With barb wire
And those little worm like things
That he likes so much—
Then he’ll do things to me,
Such horrid little things,
Frightening scary things;
Because he says he loves me,
And that that’s just real love.
No one believes me;
They all say I’m crazy;
It’s all in my head,
Just my imagination—
So I’m waiting, myself,
And I’m hoping for an angel—
The one that’s supposed to guard me—
To come on down from heaven on high,
With those massive wings,
Translucent and glowing—
He’ll carry a massive sword
And with two mighty powerful hands,
He’ll take that sword
And from head to toe—
He’ll cleave that demon down there
Into two perfects halves;
I’ll watch as it crumples to the ground;
Then over it’s dead body
I’ll embrace that angel;
I’ll surrender myself, right then and there—
I’ll bring that angel down to earth—
I’ll let him fall from grace
Right there in my arms,
And that, you see, that will be
True love.

The Dark and Weird Love Poem
Among all our dark love poems, we think you’ll find this one perhaps the most strange. But as sure as love is dark, it can also be weird, as well.
by Polly Morfus
My girl’s got sleek, shining, green skin;
My girl’s got a soft and gentle chin;
She’s got red silken hair that puffs up;
And such sad eyes, she’s a real pup.
She’s got small little amber horns;
Oh, they make such cute thorns;
They’re not far from her pointed ears—
My girl has got no peers.
Out on the oscillating dance floor,
This girl, she rocks me to my core;
Her body moves ever so slowly;
She undulates to a rhythm unholy.
Her body rises and falls in all the right places;
She only dresses in soft scarlet satin laces;
She wears a heart tattoo on her ass,
So you know that she’s got a lot of sass.
She wears long leather black boots;
She attracts all the wrong brutes;
Love is dark and strange, and out far—
When your living near a different star.

A Poem of Dark Romance
And now for the last of our dark love poems. This dark love poem is perhaps the darkest of them all, a romance that’s deeply frightening.
by Tanya Hyde
In the woods out there,
Way out there
In the place where you won’t go,
That’s where you’ll find her
Dancing in a heated frenzy
Sweating a sweet scent;
She strips down
As steam rises up off her body;
She raises her hands to the red moon
And she calls out his name,
Beckoning again and again
Until finally he comes
And stands before her,
Tall and mighty
The face of the beast;
His eyes are sharp and narrow, red;
He has the horns of a ram,
Curving backwards from his head;
He steps out of the myst
To fulfill her rapture
Her final capture.

I fell in love with melancholy,
And used to throw my earthly rest
And quiet all away in jest —
I could not love except where Death
Was mingling his with Beauty’s breath —
Or Hymen, Time, and Destiny
Were stalking between her and me.”
—Edgar Allan Poe
We hope you’ve enjoyed all of our dark love poems. We challenge you now to try your own hand at a dark love poem! Who knows what mysterious poetic passion you might stir up!
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