Are you looking for poems of lust? We’ll you’ve come to the right place. You will find the best lust poems here!
Certainly lust is a wonderful topic to explore via poetry. Is there a difference between love and lust? Some say yes, some say no. Is lust something sinful or something wonderful? Again, there are different views. We explore these ideas and more in the following poems.

A Lust Poem
The following lust poem explores what some might argue is the empty side of lust—a lust that is vacant any element of love.
She keeps a red lamp always on;
You’ll never see it until the light is gone;
The whispers will then call out sweet nothings;
To a street that always pulls on your strings.
You tell yourself it’s only just a little stroll,
Just a walk down that street without a goal,
But soon you’ll find yourself going to that door,
And waiting in the hall behind one more—
Each of you avoiding the others’ gaze,
Each of you feel lost in a separate maze,
In his eyes he tries to hide that glint,
And you pretend you don’t have a hint.
This lonely feeling has got you bad;
It’s so down deep it could drive you mad;
Try as you might, you’ll never fill it;
Try as you might, you’ll never kill it.
When she finally comes to that door,
You sheepishly ask her for a chore;
She reaches out and takes your hand,
She promises to take you to a whole new land.
She keeps a red lamp always on,
You’ll never see it until the light is gone.

The Lust and Sin Poem
Lust pushes us into temptation—often a sweet temptation tinged with guilt. The next poem of lust explores this topic.
My eyes are laser locked onto you
Because I know you see me through;
It’s time to make the steep descent
Even it makes us both feel bent.
You’ve always been my delightful devil;
You’ve always brought me to a revel;
Tossed aside by you so many times;
You’d think I’d get tired of your crimes.
It’s a slow drag, this lazy titillation,
Oh, by God, you are my damnation;
The damage was done so long ago
That first time you made me feel so low.
Your presence here with me
Will foil any recovery;
We move in a sensuous synchrony;
We fall down deep into debauchery.
You lead me now into a delightful dance;
Your fingertips perform such a lovely prance;
Time to find each other’s secret treasure,
While we insulate ourselves in our pleasure.

Lust of the Flesh Poem
What is the connection between beauty and lust? Without a sense of lust would we find any beauty in the world at all? The next lust poem explores this topic.
Of all the blooming flowers in the field,
Each more precious than the last,
Each with velvet petals that shudder in the breeze,
Each with its own unique fragrance,
To lure you in close,
Where you’ll see shades of blush,
Flamingo fading into fuchsia, a cherry core—
Of all the blooming flowers in the field
Must a man really choose but one?

Lust and Caution Poem
This lust poem comes nearer to exploring love, in noting how we inhibit our lust until we are secreted away with the right person.
I’m dry and frugal in my speech,
For you’d never hear me preach;
I’m pessimistic, odd and disabused,
And I never show when I’m amused.
I hide my private life like a miser;
And never leave one none too wiser;
My consumption is never conspicuous;
I’ll even leave you thinking I’m malicious.
I govern all bits of outward display,
While I keep you entirely at bay;
I’ll put my austerity on the line;
You’ll never catch me in a rhyme.
It’s a sparse world that always prevails,
Until we can be so utterly alone
That from your eyes fall the scales
And with a lone kiss I make you moan.

Lust Spell Poem
Lust can be like a magic spell that dissipates our barriers. Our next lust-themed poem explores this topic.
As I stand here before you
I am not ready to submit
To this icy façade of yours
But I reach out
And I beg you to open up
And let me in.
Oh, the seconds,
Each one passes like an hour—
I’m an inch from you
Watching and waiting
For the first drop to drip
For that wall to melt—
And then there is this,
The hint of a smile
On your lovely lips.
A mutual force of attraction
Draws us toward one another;
It’s like falling
Into a trove of red rose petals,
Velvet that brushes against us
Caving into a strawberry core.

Lust and Love Poem
We’ve now come full circle. While our first poem explored the possible emptiness of love, this lustpoem explores it as a form of love.
My world teeters on decay –
My fledgling sparks of illicit lust
Are flickers you say you’ll betray,
A glitter you’ll give over to dust;
Pluck the stars from the night,
Don’t give into fright.
There’s no need for fright
Or a dash into daunted decay,
Fall into the night,
All this pent up lust
Don’t let it turn to dust;
Love doesn’t betray.
Bogus beliefs, they betray,
They give you over into fright;
Let decorum drop to dust,
Let dole dignity decay,
Let loose in laudable lust,
Yield to the night.
Such a dark and stark night,
Moonlight does not betray
What love touches and turns to lust;
Angels have no need of fright
To escape a world of death decay
In swirls of celestial dust.
Oh, I choke on so much dust,
I try to breathe out the night,
The horrible stench of decay;
I swear now, I won’t betray
Love that wins over fright,
Respect this lust.
Life is nothing if not lust,
Yet you’d let it drop into dust
Turning away in fright
From what should be our night;
It’s your feelings you betray,
Don’t let them decay.
There need be no fright from night,
Nor lust that goes to dust,
For my love won’t betray, my love won’t decay.

Lust’s passion will be served; it demands, it militates, it tyrannizes.
—Marquis de Sade
We hope you enjoyed these lust poems! We hope they also stimulated to think about the difference between love and lust, and the relationship between lust and beauty. We hope these poems were not too much of a guilty pleasure! We especially hope that now you feel a lust for more of our poetry and will subscribe to our poetry updates!